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Sunday, May 19, 2019

10 Benefits of Physical Fitness Exercise for the Body - Fast and Right

10 Benefits of Physical Fitness Exercise for the Body - Fast and Right

Do you often feel tired? Lemes? lack of spirit? Easy to sleep? Maybe your body is lacking! The body needs processing at a certain point to always be fit. Your body should not be spoiled just by sitting, lying down and sleeping. Your body muscles will loosen up for a long time. The disease is also easy to attack you.

One of the body exercises that are suitable for you who are busy is physical fitness training. These activities do not make you tired, it is actually able to improve work effectiveness. Your endurance can increase. The disease will also avoid. Even bodily injuries reduce the risk a little

Doing physical fitness is also useful for the effectiveness of your skin. Differentiate from people who used to exercise with rare ones. The skin also looks healthy and tight.

Physical fitness is the body's ability to carry out daily activities without having significant fatigue. A high level of physical fitness is able to make the most of the time. So after work, you still have time for family or my time. Fun is not it?

1. Prevent Obesity

The first benefit of physical fitness training that we must know is that it can prevent obesity. Most people who like to do sports have beautiful bodies. Far from the word obesity. Because fat that accumulates under their skin has burned along with the calories used for body work. So that the portion of the body will be ideal, weight is also perfect. One of the causes of obesity is a lack of body activity. For that to overcome it by doing fitness exercises.

2. Reducing the risk of CHD

the benefits of physical fitness trainingThe most common disease suffered by Indonesian people is CHD or coronary heart disease. Disease caused by blood from blood vessels unable to flow. Because it is sandwiched by fatty substances that are increasingly hoarding blood vessels or blocked by lime.

One solution with sports. This activity can make your heart work more. Because exercise makes the circulation of blood from the heart to the entire body and blood circulation from the whole body to the heart work faster. As a result the circulation becomes more smooth.

Often doing this muscle activity makes endurance and heart work improve. Impact finally your heart is healthy and avoid all kinds of risks of heart failure, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

3. Reducing the risk of diabetes

Diabetes consists of two types. One of them is type 2 diabetes, the cause of which is insulin abnormalities. This happens because of obesity and obesity. For that, do the body work like exercise fitness to minimize the risk of obesity.

4. Control Blood Pressure

Blood circulation will be normal when you do body work. Because the heart works faster to drain the blood. So that the body will also experience adequate blood and oxygen changes. Therefore blood pressure becomes optimal. Doing this regularly can reduce your high blood pressure (hypertension).

5. Add Sexual Strength

Having sexual intercourse is one of the sports. Because at that time hormone activity became more optimal. Even when you do that, the calories in your body burn. So that indirectly physical fitness is related to the addition of your sexual strength.

6. Improve intelligence

You need maximum brain function every day. By doing physical fitness makes your body circulation smooth. That way the oxygen travel to your brain is also smooth. According to science, the main brain food is oxygen. Indirectly, as long as we do physical fitness, we are constantly eating the brain. Then the brain will be more intelligent.

7. Reducing the risk of Alzheimer's

One forgetfulness that can attack anyone of all ages. One of the characteristics is that he forgets what he has done. Then forget the people he just met. At worst until he forgets himself. Alzheimer's occurs because brain cells that act as a system of memory cell degeneration occur.

One way to prevent this is by doing physical fitness. Because one of the brain foods is oxygen. So that the brain will be more awake and stay healthy.

8. Reducing Stress

Doing physical fitness clearly makes you feel tired in the normal stages. That way you won't think of things that are less important. Because when the body is tired, the brain will work to immediately rest and sleep. From there stress will be a little overcame.

9. Produces Optimal Energy

This activity not only affects the decrease in stress levels, but also on body energy. Normal fatigue has a positive effect on sleepiness. So that the energy that you will have the next day is more optimal. Remember the sleep position also determines the return of your energy. Whatever you are, if the sleeping position is not right, energy will not return optimally.

10. Increase HDL (High Density Lipoprotein)

HDL, better known as good fat, will increase if you continue to move your body. According to recent research, jogging or walking as far as 32 km in one height can increase HDL. And the impact is a decrease in LDL or more bad fat.