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Sunday, May 19, 2019



Several specialists from the Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology, the National Medical Academy, the Ukrainian Research Institute of Nutrition and several private medical centers worked on creating a rating of hazardous products.

The results (and they were rather unexpected) were told at the first “Food. Health. Life” symposium in Kaliningrad, Komsomolskaya Pravda writes.

The harm to products listed was determined on the basis of their ability to cause serious illness. Many "participants" of the rating often become the causes of poisoning and severe allergic reactions, but for healthy people, it is completely safe. According to doctors, it all depends on the dosage. In small quantities, the intake of such food can be quite harmless.

1 place: chips and soda.

The fact that the chips are harmful, we have heard more than once. But why? But because chips are a mixture of carbohydrates and fat, in the shell of dyes and tasty substitutes. Because of the peculiarities of the preparation, a lot of carcinogens are formed in the chips - substances that provoke cancer. And hydrogenated fats lead to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Sweet carbonated drinks - a mixture of sugar, chemicals, and gases. As a rule, they contain aspartame (E951), a synthetic sweetener. 

Gelatin contained in aspartame alters the threshold of sensitivity, when used in large doses, contributes to the development of manic depression, panic attacks, anger, and violence.

But most importantly - soda with aspartame does not quench thirst. Saliva badly removes residual sweetener from the oral mucosa, so after drinking beverages in the mouth there is a feeling of closeness that you want to remove with a new portion of the drink. As a result, drinks with aspartame become drinks to arouse thirst, and not to quench it. Therefore, if you drink cola, then drink it with plain water.

In addition, sodium benzoate (E211), which is used as a preservative, inhibits enzymes, which leads to metabolic disorders and obesity.

2 place: fast food.

The fastest food - belyashi, pasties, french fries, shawarma and in general everything that is fried - is very harmful. Because they fry it all often in the same oil, it changes, God forbid, once a day. The result - all the same carcinogens. Over the years, this diet leads to a violation of the digestive system - colitis, gastritis, heartburn, constipation, etc.

A variety of fast food - chips, crackers, nuts, chocolate-nut bars, and other products loved by children. Nutritionists around the world believe that food determines the duration and quality of life of a child. Taste habits remain with a person for life. How to wean children from fast food? Only one way out - completely eliminate it from the diet. And do not eat such food yourself. In no way. Not seeing such delicacies before them, the child will eventually stop asking them.

3rd place: sausage, smoked meats.

Sausages, sausages, sausages, dumplings, etc. The products that we most often buy with you contain more flavors and colors than meat.

Smoked meat and fish were also ranked for high levels of carcinogens. They are formed during processing as a substance of benzopyrene.

More and more manufacturers are switching to genetically modified raw materials. For example, sausages, sausages for 80% (!) Consist of transgenic soybeans. And one piece of smoked sausage contains as many phenolic compounds as a person breathes in a city in a year! Phenol is extremely toxic.

4th place: vegetables and fruits, products with preservatives.

Even the most useful and natural products can become harmful if grown, for example, near a highway or a plant. Having tasted such vegetables, you can get a fair share of benzopyrene and other cancer-causing substances.

As for preservatives, they may contain monosodium glutamate. Poisoning with this substance appears in the form of headaches, vascular spasms and even metabolic disorders.

5th place: margarine, pastries and cereals.

Margarine is a solid transgenic fat - the most harmful type of fat. All products with its content are harmful. These are cakes, cakes with cream, products from puff pastry. Excessive love for these saturated sugar and fat products virtually guarantees a metabolic disorder and excess weight.

Cereals, in particular, white bread, were included in the list due to the fact that they often cause intolerance. The disease is called celiac disease. Symptoms range from intestinal problems to diabetes and infertility.

6th place: coffee and energy, milk. 

Coffee and tea (black and green) greatly deplete the nervous system, even if it is just one cup per day. Energy drinks are generally better to indulge as little as possible. Milk , like bread, is often an unbearable product. Poisoning with milk proteins in severe cases can even be fatal.

7th place: homemade preparations and ice cream.

If you twist the banks according to all the rules, you must observe the dosage of the products and not neglect the basic food safety (correct sterilization, spilling brine), pickles and tomatoes can be eaten safely.

Ice cream contains thickeners and flavors that can slow down the metabolism. And this, at least, an increased risk of overweight.

8th place: chewing sweets, marshmallow in bright packaging, chupa chups.

They contain a huge amount of sugar , chemical additives, dyes, substitutes, etc. In a word, no good.

9th place: chocolate bars.

This is a huge amount of calories in combination with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, dyes and flavors.

10 place: mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces.

Mayonnaise is full of trans fats, which are carcinogenic and in addition cause an increase in cholesterol levels. Do not eat mayonnaise, especially in plastic packaging. Vinegar makes the most carcinogenic substances out of plastic! Mayonnaise contains a huge amount of preservatives and stabilizers.

Among the harmful products are ketchup, various sauces, and dressings, in a wide range presented on store shelves.