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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Lose weight step-by-step plan: sustainable fat loss in 8 steps

Lose weight step-by-step plan: sustainable fat loss in 8 steps!

Losing weight is often made more complicated than necessary. Of course, you can set up a complicated system with super foods and supplements . And yes, you can keep an eye on the macronutrient that you ingest . However, losing weight is also possible without that kind of precision work!
Instead, you can achieve a lot of results with a few simple changes. That is why we are giving you a comprehensive step-by-step plan today . Once you have completed these eight steps, you will already be a lot closer to your goals!

Lose weight step-by-step plan

This weight loss step-by-step plan is aimed at people who want to lose sustainable fat. That means you won't lose five kilos in a week - and that's a good thing. It is precisely the very fast diets that quickly produce a yo-yo effect .
You will not be bothered by this step-by-step plan. On the contrary, it encourages you to make permanent choices, so that your entire lifestyle helps you to keep your weight. That way you might lose the kilos a bit slower, but at least they really stay away once you get rid of it!

1. Set a realistic goal

This quickly brings us to the first step: a realistic goal. Don't expect to fit in your trousers from ten years ago in a month. That fat has built up for a considerable time: it has not disappeared overnight.
With a responsible calorie deficit you can lose around half a kilo of fat per week. So adjust your objectives accordingly. Or choose a goal in actions, not in results: for example, agree with yourself that you will eat healthier. You have complete control over it - and weight loss often follows automatically.

2. Calculate your calorie requirement and macros

To lose fat, you have to eat fewer calories than you use: this is how you force your body to change fat reserves. In addition, you need enough protein to prevent muscle breakdown, and fats for, for example, the absorption of vitamins and minerals . Fill the rest of the required calories with carbohydrates .
In this article about macronutrients you can read how to calculate your energy requirement manually. If you find that a bit of a hassle, you can also use our handy online tool . There you only have to enter some information to receive a guideline and a personal diet plan .

3. Keep a record of your diet for a week

Once you know where you want to go, it's time to see where you are. Most people have an unrealistic view of their own diet! To prevent that, it is best to keep track of exactly what you eat for a week. You can use apps like the Eetmeter or My Fitness Pal for that.
Have you filled in everything - including those cookies in between - for a week? Then take a good look at what is already going well, and where there is still room for improvement. Do you get more calories than you thought, or more sugar ? Which elements in your diet is precisely due to that?

4. Replace your food with unprocessed and whole grain

You can then start eating better step by step. You don't have to do that all at once - in fact, an abrupt change cannot be sustained that long. Instead, you prefer slow and sustainable. If necessary, make a list of all the problems in your old diet and replace them one by one.
Do you eat a lot of white carbohydrates now? Replace them with whole grain options. Do you eat a lot of products with added sugars or too much salt ? Cook yourself, and use more alternative flavorings - that saves a lot of unnecessary additions. Do you eat too much saturated fat ? Replace some animal products with vegetable alternatives, or opt for lean varieties for dairy.
If you improve your eating habits step by step, it may be wise to collect good recipes. This does not only apply to dinner: there is often much to be gained with breakfast, lunch and snacks. Buy a good cookbook , or keep a folder with recipes in your browser for example!

5. Drink water, tea or coffee

This is related to the previous point, but still deserves its own head in the weight loss step-by-step plan. Many people do improve their eating habits, but completely overlook their drinking! Yet you can win a lot there too - and things can go wrong.
Soft drinks are a good idea anyway: they contain a lot of calories and provide virtually no useful nutrients. This also applies to fruit juice ! Thanks to all the processes, the benefits of fresh fruit have largely disappeared, and you mainly have sugar water ... Alcohol is also extremely bad for your weight loss.
So just choose water (possibly with a taste). Tea and coffee are also good options if you ensure that you do not consume too much caffeine .

6. Move more

So far we have only talked about nutrition, not about exercise. There is a reason for this: in theory, you can lose weight by simply adjusting your diet and not exercising. Conversely, however, that becomes difficult. Sport contributes relatively little, so you do not just compensate for an unhealthy diet.
You can, of course, increase a calorie deficit by burning more. In addition, we recommend that you start with strength training . This reduces the chance that your body will break down muscles to fill the calorie deficit. Muscle tissue also burns more calories throughout the day - even when you're not exercising!
If you want to add some cardio, HIIT or interval training is a good option. With this you achieve at least as much result as with running hours - and then in much less time.

7. Teach yourself good good habits

As you read, our weight loss step-by-step plan is not about a temporary diet . Instead, we advise you to adjust your lifestyle in a sustainable way: not only will you stay slimmer, you will also become healthier!
Nutrition is not the only area where good habits are useful. The following points will certainly help you reach your goal weight:
·         Sleep well. Sleep ensures a better hormone balance and prevents binge eating . Moreover, it strengthens your willpower - useful if you drive past your favorite snack bar hungry ...
·         Relax regularly. Stress is another factor that makes losing weight more difficult, especially due to the production of the hormone cortisol . So really plan time to read a book, start painting, go for a walk, and so on.
·         Move all day long. You can also plan a lot of extra exercise outside the gym . Take the bike a bit more often, always choose the stairs, get off a bus stop earlier and walk the rest ... In general it is wise to never sit still for more than an hour!

8. Trust the mirror, not the scales

Do you want to eventually become lighter with this weight loss plan, or especially slimmer? Exactly. Unfortunately, weight loss and visible fat loss are not always the same. That way you can become slimmer, but not lighter, because you now also create (heavier) muscle tissue.
Conversely, you can also lose weight while your appearance does not get slimmer. This happens, for example, when you lose a lot of fluid, such as with a low- carbohydrate diet . All in all, the scale is not the most reliable measurement method! Also rely on what your eyes (and your clothing size) tell you, and don't just focus on those pounds.