Do goji
berries support weight loss?
Goji berries have been
known for centuries, but in Poland they became popular relatively recently. It's
worth getting to know them closer because their health properties are
berries have a number of health-promoting properties. They slim
down , improve blood pressure, and at the same time are tasty
and universal - you can successfully add them to many dishes and healthy
snacks. See for yourself that it is worth taking an interest in these tiny
treasures of nature and change your life.
What are goji berries?
The systematic name of the plant is known in scientific circles
as common wolfberry. In the Far East countries wolfberry fruits were used
already 500 years before the modern era. Natural medicine from the regions
of China finds application for them today. From there they also came to us
and more and more people discover their beneficial properties. Superfoods
have gained popularity ,
so it's worth taking a closer look at them.
The energy properties of goji berries are surprisingly
beneficial for health. These inconspicuous fruits are an excellent source
of vegetable protein. Hardly anyone knows about it, but they contain as
many as 18 different amino acids. In addition, it is worth noting that in
goi berries you will also find as many as 5 fatty acids from the omega-6 group. They
are also a source of micronutrients, including phosphorus ,
zinc and iron, selenium and copper. A diet with optimal phosphorus content
helps to prevent the formation of kidney stones, while zinc in food helps to
ensure good condition of hair and nails.
berries inhibit the progression of diseases?
It was found that the goji polysaccharide
complex in goji berries stimulates the immune system to work better and more
effectively, thus preventing oxidation. In addition, it inhibits the
proliferation of cancer cells - including cancer of the colon, breast or
prostate gland.
Goji berries are characterized by a very high content of vitamin
C, thanks to which the cardiovascular system improves. It is worth noting
that they also help lower blood sugar levels. Thanks to the presence of
the cyperone, greater regulation of blood pressure is possible. It also
has a beneficial effect on heart function. Betaine, which is a component
of goji berries, stimulates the production of another compound - choline. This
relationship in turn helps prevent heart disease. These fruits help lower
the level of bad
cholesterol and at the same time improve the results when it
comes to this good one. It is worth bearing in mind, however, that in a
dried form they have a high calorific value, so you should not overdo it.
berries in the diet
Due to the high protein content and healthy, unsaturated fatty
acids, goji berries are a good nutritional option for vegetarians and vegans,
as well as for people who want to reduce the supply of fats and proteins of
animal origin. However, they should not be consumed in amounts greater
than 12g per day, whereas people who must use anticoagulants, pregnant and
breastfeeding women must abstain from consumption completely.
Goji berries are also often recommended as a slimming
aid . They contain a lot of fiber, so even after eating a
small portion, these fruits provide a feeling of fullness.You can add them to
yoghurt, cereal flakes or smoothie to strengthen the health and taste values
of the prepared food.